For most people, it’s essential to wear your hearing aids throughout your waking hours, even in situations where you might think they’re unnecessary. Consistent use ensures that you’re getting the most out of your devices.
The only recommended times to remove your hearing aids are:
- Before going to bed
- While taking a shower or bath
- During activities like swimming
Why Wearing Hearing Aids Consistently Matters
Speeds Up Your Adjustment to Hearing Aids
When you first start wearing hearing aids, you’ll likely notice sounds you haven’t heard in a long time. Background noise, crowds and other auditory environments might seem overwhelmingly loud or unfamiliar. The more you wear your hearing aids, the faster your brain and ears will adapt to this new way of hearing, allowing you to become more comfortable in a variety of sound settings.
Reduces Cognitive Strain
Leaving hearing loss untreated forces your brain to work harder to understand sounds, which can lead to mental exhaustion and issues like difficulty recalling conversations. Over time, this can result in auditory deprivation, where the brain loses the ability to process certain sounds because it hasn’t been exposed to them for an extended period. This can cause the areas of your brain responsible for processing sound to shrink or atrophy due to disuse. Consistent hearing aid use helps reduce this strain on your brain, allowing it to function more efficiently.
Helps Prevent Brain Shrinkage
Research suggests that wearing hearing aids may help reverse or slow negative changes in the brain caused by hearing loss. A small study found that hearing aids could counteract compensatory shifts in how the brain allocates its resources, essentially helping to slow or stop brain shrinkage. By wearing your hearing aids regularly, you can help your brain continue to process sounds as it should.
Seek Help from Your Audiologist if You’re Struggling
If you’re having trouble adjusting to your hearing aids, don’t give up on wearing them. Many people limit their use to situations where they think it’s necessary, but this can hinder their ability to fully adjust to the devices. Instead of dealing with suboptimal hearing, schedule a visit with your audiologist. Often, minor adjustments or reprogramming are all that’s needed to enhance your experience with your hearing aids.
Additionally, your hearing needs may evolve over time, especially if you haven’t been wearing your devices consistently. Once your audiologist makes the necessary updates or improvements, be sure to wear your hearing aids regularly throughout the day to maximize their effectiveness and enjoy better hearing.
If you have any concerns or would like to book an appointment, contact M.K. Larson Audiology today. Consistent use of your hearing aids can make all the difference in maintaining your auditory and cognitive health.